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Urban lighting and nighttime design provide safety and welcome, increased positive public health outcomes through walkability, and local economic vitality to cities.

Leni has devised a training curriculum for concerned city clients. It is especially geared toward bureaus and departments of public safety, city planning, real estate, transportation, public works, digital tech, public health, for example, as well as lighting designers and manufacturers unfamiliar with the trends and possibilities of the creative, emerging discipline urban lighting discipline.


Urban Lighting Design
Curriculum for Everybody 

Audience - AEC, Planning & Design Ptofessionals, Govemment, Real Estate, Associations, Meeting Planners

Public realm lighting is essential for thriving 24/7 cities. Jump start with the trends and innovative methodologies that are rocking the world of public space design. This series will broaden your ability to create inclusive, resilient, after-dark city spaces. Nighttime design urbanism is an approach where lighting leads the way with interdisciplinary research and design. 

Sustainable, Smart Lighting:
Enable Connections, 
Networks and People 

Audience - Govemment, Planning & Design Professionals, Community Activists, Meeting Planners

Here's the secret: Streetlight poles are the infrastructural backbone for smart city networks. This program guides participants to explore responsive lighting technologies for placemaking and atmospheres in the after-dark city. Learn about the co-benefits of sustainability through energy management and data collection. Discover unique community engagement methodologies through light. 

Luminous Legibility:
Lighting and Nightime Design

Audience - Govemment, Utilities, Design Professionals, Meeting Planners

Explore the role of holistic public lighting. Leni's innovative methodology will improve your collaboration and advocacy with design disciplines, authorities and local bodies. Capture ways to analyze and plan for lighting infrastructure through insightful, interactive learning. After-dark issues include engaging community, mobility: transportation, first and last mile, city nature: effects on wildlife, public health: sociability and walkability, and local economies: open hours, nightlife. 

Continuing Education Units (CEU) Available

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