When I left Arup, it was unclear where my next step would lead.
There were possibilities:
Research and development focused on International Nighttime Design Initiative (NTD)
Community engagement for urban, after-dark environments
Reach back — and forward —to build on Light Projects’ 20-years of infrastructure, urban lighting and city nighttime design — Leni Schwendinger Light Projects 1.0. or LSLP.
All options have merged into nighttime design.
Leni Schwendinger Light Projects 2.0 is five years old. Add that to the 20 years prior and it adds up to a huge, unwavering 25-year commitment to urban lighting, infrastructure, research, community engagement (NightSeeing™ ) applied to city improvement.
Close to his one-year anniversary, Chris Bocchiaro up-levels the team with his project management, technical and creative skills. So great!
From the depths of my heart, I thank some of the many mentors and lighting designers who have made LSLP possible, with links to their LinkedIn profiles.